

Simplifying the complexity of Space

Planetek Hellas is a Greek company, member of the Planetek Group that since 1994, operates in the field of Satellite Remote Sensing, Spatial Data Infrastructure and Software development for the “on board” and “ground” segment space applications.

Founded in 2006, Planetek Hellas provides solution oriented services in the field of Geomatics, involving the use of EO data and systems for environmental & critical infrastructure monitoring, urban planning, civil protection and security.

Planetek has designed, built and commercializes Rheticus, the trademarked  award winning Geospatial Analytics Platform , through which the company's solutions  are offered in the market. 

Rheticus has revolutionized the traditional Earth Observation market  whose main characteristic has always been the ad hoc offered services (project based). Rheticus represents a disruptive approach of IaaS (Info as a Service) globally scalable, subscription based  with low recurrent costs.

Planetek Hellas bases its offer in the high involvement in the research and in the analysis of new techniques, which process and integrate remote sensing information with state of the art technologies of now days such as HPC, AI and Internet. Rheticus integrates and makes use of all the above. 

Planetek is one of the very few European Space companies having activities in both the downstream and upstream sector. Planetek designs, prototypes and commercializes the  SPACE product line of on-board Software tools that extent from the compression on board of Satellite EO Data,  and the Attitude and Orbit Control. Planetek offers also within its SPACE product line the  SpacePTS product (Payload Testing System) which is the perfect personalizable solution for  complex payload testing activities. Space PTS has been tested and used for one of the payloads of the Solar Orbiter Mission (METIS) and is planned to  be put in orbit with the mission's lauched in February, 2019.

The company has in its portfolio a variety of successful contracts with European Space Agency, through which it has acquired in-depth knowledge of the Agency’s procedures and high quality requirements.

Planetek Hellas is also very active in R&D, participating in many research European (FP7, HORIZON) and National Projects. 15% of the companies reveneu are invested each year in R&D.

The expertise of Planetek Hellas has led the company to strengthen its specific skills related to:

  • Earth Observation and Space Astronomy satellite data management, together with processing for both on-board and on ground deployments.
  • Data fusion procedures for Earth Observation and Space Astronomy value added products and service deliveries.
  • Spatial Data Infrastructure platform for delivery, dissemination and exploitation of geospatial products with a time-tested competence in INSPIRE compliant web deployments.
  • Development of software for the satellite on-board data and image processing. In specific Planetek Hellas has developed a solution for the on-board compression and cloud classification, using a patented technique that achieves high compression ratios and low data distortion, while keeping a limited computation complexity.

The company is also active in the field of promotion of Earth Observation and Cosmic Exploration data exploitation and pursues close relations with Education and Research Organizations inside and outside Greece.

Planetek Italia group profile on Scribd  (download it here as PDF)



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