spacePTS is an off-the-shelf SW solution providing full front-end functionalities (TM/TC, power and custom analogical links) on top of a commercial HW platform (generically a workstation with specific spW, CANbus and Analogical/Digital interfaces).
spacePTS implements the business logic of the EGSE, manages the HW interfaces towards the Equipment Under Test (EUT) and
the services for the check-out systems (either locally or remote over LAN).
spacePTS relies on the SCOS 2000 MIB database and provides users with easy access and browsing functionalities.
It allows for integration into a generic (and wider) Central Check-out System (CCS) providing remote control of the TM/TC front end, with a client-server approach, via well assessed protocols as EDEN and C&C (over the TCP/IP network).
spacePTS provides simulation capabilities of external sensors and systems: specific behavior can be implemented customizing standard templates integrated as plug-ins in the overall system.
spacePTS integrates structured scripting languages, with a rich syntax, interpreted by plug-in modules, thus providing means to execute complex test procedures, exposing appropriate interfaces to:
- HW resources
- TC specific formatting functions
- TM de-formatting functions
- HK parameters check and monitoring
- Internal TM/TC events database.
Supported interpreters are Python and Tcl/Tk. External libraries (e.g. python numpy, scipy, matplotlib…) provide advanced data processing and visualization functionalities, allowing the “on-line” definition of specific monitoring windows and scientific packets quick look analysis.
spacePTS core module is the SW layer acting as a server providing network services to Central Check-out Systems (which will in turn be on the client side of the TCP/IP communication link).
spacePTS is based on a modular architecture:
- the Front End Controller implements all the I/Fs with the EUT, simulating electrical (power, signals) and logical (PUS and custom data packets) communications;
- the Data Handler provides monitor and control functionalities;
- the Man Machine Interface (MMI) provides graphic and command interfaces.
The Data Handler also provides services to the MMI which acts as a local or a remote controller. In this last case it makes possible for the CCS to control the system remotely from the same GUI with the EDEN or C&C protocols.
These protocols allow to exchange TC and TM packets between the different EGSE sub-systems (the CCS and SCOEs), transmitting CCSDS PUS packets over the EGSE LAN (using a service based on TCP/IP sockets).
All the events are logged and saved into a local DB in order to allow off-line analyses on the test sessions and their «replay».
- TM/TC front end (CCSDS PUS packets on spW interfaces)
- Spacecraft’s power bus (28V) and analogical lines
- Spacecraft’s sub-systems and instruments simulation
- Packet Utilization Standard communications based on mission DB (SCOS 2000 format)
- Test Procedure environment preparation and execution
- Test scripting language (python and Tcl/TK)
- Data visualization and scientific packets quick look analysis
- Plug-in based architecture
- Local and remote control capabilities
- Test session logs analysis and «replay»
- Multi-monitor
- C&C
- Python scripting
- Tcl/Tk scripting